Celestron SkyScout now available

We've seen a ton of telescopes that can orient themselves to a particular star or constellation, but the upcoming Celestron SkyScout scope is the first portable model we've seen that's able to get its bearings and determine what it's pointed at regardless of location (althought the lazy stargazer should still go with a StarSeeker chair). Using both embedded GPS and gravitational/magnetic field sensors, the SkyScout is also able to guide the user to a desired target, or give a guided tour of the ten best objects visible on any given night. Even better, the scope connects to a PC via USB for software updates and temporally-specific events like shuttle launches and comet passings, and a built-in SD slot allows for additional content such as astronomy tutorials. Celestron will be showing off the SkyScout at CES, so it'll be available sometime after that
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